Jolly Green Giant
Title:Jolly Green Giant
Location: Minnesota
Description:Ho, ho, ho! The 55-foot-tall statue of everybody’s favorite Jolly Green Giant–at the midpoint of Minnesota along I-90, America’s longest interstate–has a smile that’s 48 inches wide and a shoe size that’s somewhere around 78. He was erected in the town of Blue Earth back in 1979 to celebrate the area’s longtime affiliation with canning–Green Giant was once the Blue Earth Canning Company.
Location: Minnesota
Description:Ho, ho, ho! The 55-foot-tall statue of everybody’s favorite Jolly Green Giant–at the midpoint of Minnesota along I-90, America’s longest interstate–has a smile that’s 48 inches wide and a shoe size that’s somewhere around 78. He was erected in the town of Blue Earth back in 1979 to celebrate the area’s longtime affiliation with canning–Green Giant was once the Blue Earth Canning Company.